Telecommunications companies in particular are subject to the special rules of telecommunications data protection. However, even companies which do not operate in the telecommunications sector also regularly encounter issues relating to telecommunications data protection. Should private use of office internet connections, phones or the e-mail service in your company be permitted? When operating an external call centre, should conversations be monitored and recorded? Such questions are subject to industry-specific data protection provisions set forth in the German Telecommunications Act [Telekommunikationsgesetz, TKG] – and, in the future, probably a new EU legislative act on data protection and electronic communication (what is called the draft of the ePrivacy Regulation).
We will help you to comply with these provisions while keeping your business goals in mind. In doing so, we look at the entire “customer life cycle”, i.e., we will take into consideration the processing of inventory and traffic data, from the point in time that they are first generated in the switching equipment up to the issuing of the invoice and the deletion of the data, including the consideration of any statutory obligations regarding the retention for purposes relating to public security and law enforcement policies. We will also audit your settlement systems as well as your customer management systems and employee administration systems and recommend measures so that you are prepared in the event of any checks of the supervisory authorities. We will provide comprehensive training to your employees in accordance with the special requirements that apply to you. Please approach us so that we may jointly address and develop the appropriate concepts to deal with these issues. Having worked with leading service providers in the telecommunications industry for many years, we are in a unique position to draw upon this experience.